"BerNafsu" Gadis Dimasukkan Ke Hospital Gara-Gara Melanc@p Timun

Kantoi sudah! Seorang gadis dimasukkan ke hospital gara-gara melancap dengan timun.Pelik juga dengan nafsu seks gadis zaman sekarang ni, sanggup menggunakan timun untuk memuaskan nafsu mereka. Kalau dah tak tahan tu, baik khawin je, tak gitu? baca selanjutnya...

Loosely translated from Google....

A female student in a Ningbo vocational school cafeteria purchased a large type of cucumber, returned to the bedroom to masturbate, orgasm coming can not control her emotions, even cucumber got chop off suddenly ... hard to imagine her power. The female students are unable to use a variety of methods to remove the broken cucumber. School put her into a hospital in Shanghai, now still in surgery.

This event caused great concern in schools. Principals, vice-principals, and a number of Church and State Department director of school discussed the cucumber event and issued safety instructions: we must first ensure the quality of the cucumber must be hard, the surface must be smooth. To carefully examine, to allow students to use with confidence and peace of mind, and prevent similar incidents from happening again.